Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Groups A and B - after the dust has settled - 2010 FIFA World Cup

So France is out… at least they scored a goal this time… in 2002 they were out without scoring a goal… and they were defending champions that time… I make a prediction for the 2014 world cup right now itself and for the 2018 one too… France will be a semi-finalist in 2014 but will not make the finals… and in 2018, they will score 2 goals in the group matches and then make their exit… very predictable team… and, in hindsight, was it worth Henri going through that shameful act to get France a place in the World Cup… Life has a great way of squaring all things up, even if the football is spherical…

For those who would like to take another look at the Henri "special", here it is...

And Argentina have won all their group matches… but Messi has not scored… looks like they will lose when he scores… and when I supported Argentina, Brazil were doing well… and now I am with Brazil, these guys do well… very unfair world…

Mexico go through despite losing and South Africa go home in spite of winning… how ironic!!! And hopefully the vuvuzelas now will be left at home too…

South Korea make the next round for the first time when playing outside home turf… some improvement… that’s an achievement when you consider that Greece and Nigeria were the teams eliminated in this pool…

So the next round is Argentina vs. Mexico and Korea vs. Uruguay… looks like this is going to be a South American World Cup after all… some things never change…

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