Wednesday, June 23, 2010

A new place... and a new beginning...

There is a new sense of purpose now - probably sparked by the shift to a new location and its accompanying new emotions - a long stay outside the country prompting me to stay in touch with old friends and the eternal hope that they read this, at least from sheer loyalty.

Two all-time favorite events currently underway - the 2010 FIFA World Cup and Wimbledon, mean that there should not be any dearth of topics to write about. Throw in the fact that the F1 season nicely poised, India is about to play Sri Lanka in the Asia Cup finals and oneis convinced that the moment is right to make a new beginning.

So here I go, in what may be called, in these days of reality televison shows, Season 2 of Greg's Sports Diary. As always, I hope that there will be some frank comments. Read on...

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